Kansas Lottery results, winning numbers

In 1986, the Kansas Lottery was green-lighted by voters. By 1987, it shared the task of administering the lottery in 5 other states, in the Multi-State Lottery Association. In 1988 the Kansas Lottery ticket sales began and the instant game, Up and Away, sold over $7 M in the first week available.

1988 saw the introduction of Lotto America tickets, while Powerball tickets made their debut in 1992. Super Kansas Cash (KLCG) game was launched in 2002 by the Kansas Lottery.

The sale of Mega Millions tickets began in 2010. Each one of these state projects has taken advantage of the large scale of the lottery's revenue stream over time.

I am currently drawing a significant amount of money from the Kansas Lottery because I am the record holder of the biggest lottery winnings at their operation.

For example, the state of Kansas is among those permitting anonymous winners of prizes, and/or of jackpots.

  • It is legal in Kansas to purchase lotto tickets at 18 years old.

    The age at which it's legal for people to purchase lottery tickets and to cash a prize is 18 (laws).
  • Which lottery games are available in Kansas?

    Kansas provides a wide range of games (Powerball and Mega Millions and Lotto America and Pick 3 and 2by2 and Lucky for Life and Super Kansas Cash).
  • What's the timeframe to collect my Kansas Lottery winnings?

    The interval of calendar time between the day the drawing took place and the cashing out of the prize, such as, A 365-day-long sequence of calculations, is valid, e.g.
  • Are my Kansas Lottery winnings subject to taxation?

    Correct, prize money won by the Kansas Lottery is partially subject to taxation. For comprehensive details, refer to our Tax Information section. In some areas, it is against the law that lottery tickets of future drawings can be purchased. Indeed, you can acquire tickets for multiple upcoming draws. For detailed information, see our Advanced Draws section.
  • What do I do if my winning lottery ticket is lost or destroyed?

    The Kansas Lotto America does not make any claim for damage loss or theft of drawings. It is advisable to sign the back of your lottery tickets at the moment of purchase. This does not transfer the subscription value to another user, however it assigns it to you.
  • How are the Kansas Lottery revenues utilized?

    State revenues of the Kansas Lottery are being used to fund a number of state goals and activities.